12 unique services offered to our partners in VMA

Virtual Medical Academy is an accredited medical e-learning platform by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. We provide online accredited activities, broadcast CME accredited conferences, and organize many free medical courses for healthcare workers and students.

12 unique services offered to our partners in the Virtual Medical Academy

VMA services for  healthcare worker

VMA services for  healthcare worker
  1. Online courses accredited by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
  2. Broadcasting for accredited Conferences
  3. Free online lectures
  4. Preparatory courses for medical examinations


VMA services for Institution

VMA services for Institution:
  1. Registration management system
  2. Event Broadcasting Services
  3. Training system
  4. Stakeholder management system

VMA Speaker Services

VMA Speaker Services:
  1. Hosting online courses.
  2. Managing online activity.

Virtual Medical Academy Team



2 Replies to “12 unique services offered to our partners in VMA”

  1. Hi
    I’m anesthetist ( Saudi Board of Anesthesia 2018) and want to join your Academy as speaker ..
    Thank you

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